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Archive for September, 2019

Swedish hockey players boycott the training

Swedish hockey players boycott the training

The Swedish ice hockey federation said it was notified of the boycott that appeared and was surprised by the decision. A total of 43 national team players were involved in the boycott, apparently due to the lack of compensation they received when on duty with the national team. One statement was posted on social media by Swedish player Erika Grahm.[Read More…]

by September 18, 2019 0 comments About Hockey
Hockey becomes one of favorite sports in Germany

Hockey becomes one of favorite sports in Germany

If you are a sports enthusiast and are going to study abroad in Germany, would you be interested in the most popular German sports in this country? And if you still do not have that information at hand, let’s find out! Ice hockey Many believe that no sport in Germany has more ardent and noisy fans than ice hockey. Major[Read More…]

by September 7, 2019 0 comments Blogging